Tuesday, February 8, 2011

I am Sorry

Over the last few weeks amongst people's shock, I have heard this phrase probably at least 20 times

"You guys broke up? You were my hope that black love can work out!"

That's a lot of pressure. And just cause we didn't doesn't mean that it can't. People settle and stay with people because they want to PROVE it can work, and in the end it's and epic fail. I have seen black love prevail. I look at my friend Aamira and her husband Van and their beautiful daughter Heaven, and I know that true love. They work together and support each other, and are happy (from what I can see). Its not just about love... its about support in every aspect. I wish them all the Blessings in the world.

My reply for the people who have told me these statements in the past 2 weeks

"If you wanted hope, you should of looked at the Obamas, not me"

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