Saturday, August 20, 2011


Someone called me a blogger the other day. I was a little shocked. No one has ever called me that before. I had never even considered myself that before. I replied "I am not a blogger". He asked why i thought i wasn't, if I had been blogging for over a year. I maintain it, I put time and effort into it. I enjoy it. Why am I not a blogger?

I said something that I don't remember. I don't like to be wrong. Lol. But I honestly don't know why I don't consider myself a blogger. It seems like too easy. Like I do it but its fun. I put work into it, but its not like work for me. I have errors and all throughout this jawn, and If I'm busy, I don't blog.

I always been this way tho. I used to write poetry in high school. I never considered myself a writer or a poet. It just seems claiming something, giving yourself that title...encompasses a lot more than just putting work towards it a few times.

I think the same goes for relationships. People (and i will say, in most cases females... but some males do this too) are so pressed to get a title in a relationship. to star claim in this other person. What did you do to earn this title? Oh, you have up the moot a few times jawn? Oh, Ok. So did a few other girls that you don't even know about. Porn stars give it up filthy like 7 times a day... no one claiming them...

Oh, so you cooked a few meals? So did McDonald's, but you don't see Ronald getting claimed.

Its so much more in depth. You have to put work in to claim a title to me. One day, maybe I will consider myself a blogger, or a writer, or whatever.

For now I'm just a weirdo with a Mac and wifi...

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