Friday, July 30, 2010

It's the Little Things...

My Godsister is getting married tomorrow. Her triflin bridal party didn't throw her a bachelorette party, so tonight we are going to dinner, and they are going to a club (you know I don't do clubs if I don't have to). My cousin bbmed me 3 weeks ago that we are doing a "Black Out theme" and they all wearing LBD (Little Black Dresses) but I can wear anything black since I am coming from work. She told me this 3 weeks ago. I chose my outfit this morning in a haste 15 mins before I am supposed to leave my house to catch the train without having an asthma attach from running. In a desperate attempt to put something together I grabbed these black skinny jeans. When I bought them they did not fit properly, but I kept them and wore them once (with a very very loose top). I was thinking I could get away with that same outfit when lo and behold...


This is just a little reminder that I have lost weight and even though its kind of slowed, I should keep pushing cause there is a difference. Thought I would share cause it really made my day!

Now I can't wait til I can't wear these jeans again... because they are too big

Yit Ta Dee!

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