Sunday, September 11, 2011

I. Dont. Know

I hate when people ask me questions they have no business asking me. Like, I have no involvement, so why you asking me about the situation?

Cause you don't care. You're curious...

If you can't ask the person yourself, you shouldn't be asking me. At first, it would be awkward trying to dead my friend on my other friends information, but now I have come up with a system that works so well with me, I am actually upset I didn't come up with it before


Them- son. I see *insert homegirl name here* Had a baby! Thats crazy... She still dating *insert arbitrary nigga name here*? Thats the father?

Me- I don't know

Them- But you the godmother....


Them- I saw *insert name here* in the middle of the day the other day...They still work at ...?

Me- I don't know


Them- What you doing?

Me- on the phone with *inert name here*

Them- Oh whats her number? I lost it.

Me- Oh, I don't know

Them- -____-

I DONT KNOW. You will hear that every time I don't want to answer. Y'all probably like "She, You telling us now, so we know you know". *Taps chin* You know what? You're right... but guess what... I don't give not one fifth of a fuck. I am still gonna say it. Most nosey people ask questions they know you know the answer too. Thats why they ask you, for a sure answer. So when you hit them with the "I don't know", Its like "stop asking me damn questions" But nicer! Im trying to be a better person. Plus most nosey people won't push the issue cause they know they not supposed to be asking in the first place! I win... you lose... hahahha! *Nicki Minaj voice*

Some people still push of course, thats when I can act rude, cause you being rude... so its justified.

I advise all of you try this method. It works so well. It works even better if you can perfect the befuddled face to go with it like it's the first time you even heard of the situation or have no clue where they could be getting this idea from...

So, if y'all get hit with the "I don't know" by me... don't be offended... just respect my silence.