Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Why do Good Girls Like Bad Guys...

(I was actually gonna use DMX's "Why do Good Girls like Bad Guys" but I LOVE this song...and the intro makes me giggle)

Hi, my name is Sio... and I like Bad guys

*hangs head in shame*

I don't know what it is about a rude nigga/asshole/jerk that makes my heart skip a beat, but Im sure they my cheat code (someone that has an upper hand in my book). Y'all know I love ignorance, so I think its thats the reasoning.... So when I meet someone who takes my bullshit, talks his own shit, and can make me shut up... ^_^ *insert emoji smiley with the hearts for eyes*

Im the joint that likes to be shaken when she gets out of line

Im the joint thats thinks play fighting is foreplay

Im the joint who smiles to herself but acts offended when a nigga yells at her but low-key its sweet. ex: "Bitch stop tripping like you don't know Im feeling you"

*puts hand to forehead and swoons*

I wish I didn't, but Im 26. Im set in my ways. You can't teach an old dog new tricks. I can't help what I'm attracted to anymore... However, I wouldn't be a good friend if I didn't try and save y'all, especially my younger readers...


Im serious. You got that nice man on deck, but you're bored with him. He doesn't excite you? Girl bye, who wants all that excitement? Your gonna get bad nerves...Trust me. Keep that nice nigga. He is gonna treat you like a queen, care about your well being, and not make smart remarks in text that make you respond "lol" but in real life you not sure if he serious or not...

I know what you saying, "The bad guy keeps me on my toes"... Bitch please... You ever been on your toes? ok... You ever STAYED on your toes? no? Try it now for 5 minutes

Ill wait...

Oh, you back huh? Shit hurt didn't it? Same results with the "bad guy"

At the end of the day, you like what you like, but Im trying to change the "nice guys finish last". Maybe there is a nice rude nigga out there for me... but I may be a lost cause. It not to late to save yourselves though

I just want the best for y'all


  1. Omg did you write this to me? My dude is one of the rudest person I have ever met but damn if I dont like it. Do have to give the nice guys a try though.

  2. "I know what you saying, "The bad guy keeps me on my toes"... Bitch please... You ever been on your toes? ok..." LMFAO!!
