Thursday, March 29, 2012

I dead tried to find a different song… but nothing sums it up better. Lol

Let me start this off by saying I love my family. But my mom’s side is not the best communicators. I am still waiting for my birds and my bees talk. They hide their feelings from each other, then when they let them out its reminiscent of an angry volcano that causes a whole island to clear. I don’t know if I get my emotional nature from my father’s side because my sister, brother, and I have no problem talking… even though we met 7 years ago.

Now to the point of this post. Throughout the years, I have picked up an amazing support team. I’ve said on this blog, “my friends are the family I chose, and I shed blood for my blood” and I mean that too my core. My friends are the most supportive, loving, truthful, blunt assholes, I could have ever met, and for that I keep them around. Yesterday, I had an interview for a whole new career that I was really nervous about. My grandma woke me up early because she turned on the computer and didn’t see the Mozilla Firefox Icon. I asked her to give me 5 mins and she slammed my door. When I did drag myself out of bed (still early) to find the Mozilla Firefox (which was right on the screen), she says I didn’t have time to wait for you and walked out the house. No "have a good day" (which I always say to her), No "good luck on your interview", not even goodbye. Just closed the door on me. I love my Grandma to death, so this wasn’t going to cause me to hate her or even cause a scene, but as the lock clicked, I felt a slight twinge in my heart. I left my house regular. On the train reading my articles for the interview, feeling not feeling any excitement or nerves...Just regular.

Then as I am about to walk into the building, my phone vibrates and it’s a text from one of my “sisters” (I only use the quotations because I want you to know we weren’t born with similar DNA, but God felt the need to relate us) and it read “Morning!!! Good luck today on your interview!!!! You are intelligent, kind, supportive, and full of life. Some prime qualities that make an incredible (insert position here) and I am sure they will see all of that and more in your interview today!” I went into that interview with tears in my eyes but a new found energy. I honestly think I aced the interview, but we won’t know for a few weeks. Either way, she was just what I needed when I needed it. I honestly feel like if i get this job, its because of her and that text. Words can't express how much I love her regardless.

And as the day progressed… I got calls and text of encouragement… all which made me realize that my team is amazing. Even if one did read “B_tch, what happened with the interview” (some of y’all can guess exactly who that is if you really know me)

This is why I get so upset when people take their friends for granted. They are there when you feel like everyone else has turned their back. Deserting your friends for a man…Please. They were there when you just met him, and were trying to decide if he was worth your time, and they going to be there to dry your eyes, or key his car, or both. Shoot, I was just talking to one of my ex jawns (actually, THE ex jawn..not my ex fiancé) about how nervous I am about this interview a few days ago. How I don’t know if I can do it blah blah blah… I haven’t spoken to him since then. Our SMS convo been more inactive than Quasi Moto eHarmany page. Im not shocked, nor did he HAVE to text me… it just helps to put things into perspective. They were there when your family irked you in a way only they know how. They were there encouraging you to reach for the moon in all aspects of life, and honestly, my friends are the stars I used as my stepping stones. They don’t say it often (cause we thugs) but I never doubt their love and support. I cherish them, and even if I don’t see or speak to them often, they are my vertebrae. Maybe I have just been blessed with angels on earth. I don’t know what I did to deserve them, but I am glad they see me worthy to walk with them in life. So before you, ignore their calls for the jawn of the hour, before you don’t pick up your people cause you might be late for a date, or before you put someone who doesn’t know what your Trey Songz crying face is before someone who shed tears for you because you had no more in you… Think twice.

Because at the end of the day, it’s not about whose around when the smoke clears… it’s about who walked in the smoked and grabbed your hand to make sure you got out.

And too my “family”… this is fo’ life.

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