Saturday, November 19, 2011

Page from another book

So, if you have been reading this blog, you know I am friends with an amazing writer @T_Lloyd. She recently put up on her blog Virgin Fingertips, about a letter her and my other friend @TiffThomp wrote to their younger selves a while back. I never did this before, and i remember reading the post months or even years ago saying I'm going to do this but never did. I realize now as I was reminded of the letter, that up until this year, I was still my younger self. So here goes nothing...

Dear She,

First of, stop crying.I know your ass is confused as to why your getting a letter from yourself. Its not the devil, so wipe the tears out your eyes and read.

Im not going to sell you a dream, cause you know we don't like shit sugarcoated. This life isn't going to be a fairy tale. Your gonna have it rough. for a while. Your gonna love then lose, then love then lose.... and sometimes your just going to lose. Your not going to be a doctor, so put that science book away now. Your actually going to hate science. But everything you will experience in the years to come....Embrace it. Enjoy it. Please don't grow up to fast, because in the long run, it didn't do anything but delay your real growth process. Your young and stupid. And thats fine. I know you hate looking dumb and think that growing quick will help you avoid that. It won't. Your just going to be older and stupid.. which is a lot less becoming. I know you think your the odd ball out, the one who is the homegirl and never will find someone to like you, never mind love you, but it will happen. I can't tell you with who, just know not who you expect. I can't tell you not to love someone cause honestly those years were amazing, though they weren't as real as i thought. I can tell you follow your gut and head a little more cause your heart isn't the best judge of character... neither is your vagina. But I digress.

Your friends are amazing. And when I say friends, I don't mean people you have known for years, or think you know. Cause those people aren't staying. There will be people you meet and within a week, you know that they were placed in your life forever. I mean the friends you love so much that no one can tell you their NOT family. I mean the people you know were put in your presence from God himself. They are your guiders, your confidants, your protectors, your strength. Cherish them. No matter what, through fights, miscommunications, no communications, babies, deaths, jobs, boyfriends, husbands, they will always be there. ALWAYS. However, choose your friends wisely. There are plenty of snakes in the grass, and in the real world, they wear sneakers and stilettos.

Your going to be discouraged a lot with our family. They don't hate you, they want better for you. They just want you to want to want it for yourself. They see your potential, but they also see you throwing it away. They aren't saying this to be mean, they are saying this cause its true Listen to them, even when you don't want to. Especially Grandma. She isn't crazy or doesn't understand. Its that she understands too much. Trust me.

I actually don't want to give too much away because i want you to learn. The epiphanies you have change you life regularly. So I am gonna leave you with these few things. Dont stop writing, its pointless. Its your release. Dont give up, its pointless cause life still goes on and you just going to have to catch up. Dont stop loving, the heart is the strongest muscle in the body, but you'll be convinced at times its weaker than your upper body strength. Its not. Enjoy each day. Please stop being so scared. Missing life is way more scarier than failure. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, and if you don't think your beautiful, no one else will. Dont stop dancing. Stop perming your hair..Read the Alchemist... IMMEDIATELY. Oh, and when you apply for college... check main campus on all housing forms. lol

I love you, and although you don't love me right now, you will. I just hope you do sooner than i did.

Love Always,

PS- Use that next check from MMCC and buy some stock in Apple. Trust me... those two pairs of AirMax can wait. Seriously

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