Friday, June 18, 2010

Ugly Girl Problems...

What the f*ck?!?!? I dead ass never heard of this before a VSB post a few days ago, and then watching a rerun of The Game when Rick Fox ask Tasha if she has these (I don't know how I missed this the first time cause I seen this episode like 4-5 times). Who heard of this hot sh*t before? I'll wait...

So here is the explanation if y'all clueless like me...

"1.) Please oh please explain the "Ugly Girl" Problem!
Panama Jackson: Women with ugly girl problems are the ones who deal with all kinds of non-sense from men out of fear of being alone – or too much ego. The odd part is that these women are generally attractive women who are willing to deal with cheating, abuse, etc. Essentially, the type of stuff we’d assume a woman without options would settle for. The campaign to stop it with the “ugly girl problems” is alive and well. Women shouldn’t be settling for crap when there are men out there who will treat them right. Dude might have a gold tooth or seven, but he’ll treat her right. The point is, options do exist!" - Insert taken from the "I Am Superwoman" Blog

Your not serious right? *look around for Dave Chappelle to pop out and scream "Gotcha N*gga"*

So I love VSB. LOVEtheir post they remind me of me. They tell truth in a harsh but comedic way which apparently doesn't work to lighten the situation but apparently people just think you making fun of them. And this isn't their fault. They didn't make up "Ugly Girl Problems", and I am sure whoever did probably Slim Thug just didn't know any better. Just looking at the definition "The odd part is that these women are generally attractive women who are willing to deal with cheating, abuse, etc. Essentially, the type of stuff we’d assume a woman without options would settle for". So cause you ugly this is what you should settle for? Now I am sure he didn't mean because you ugly you should get your ass beat and like it cause no one else is going to want your ugly ass, but damn. Ugly people don't have options?

Now I am all for talking about an ugly person. They talked about Jesus, and he was the Son of God... you think your ugly ass going to get an exception? Especially if you not making any steps to make the best out of a bad situation (ie: Sephora, MAC, or your local CVS beauty section). I know I am cute in the face and thick in the waist so i assume I wouldn't be classified as ugly, but no one deserves to get cheated on and even worse beat (or etc). And why they have to be "ugly girl problems". Last time they just self esteem problems.

As E'lon says "beauty is in the eye of the beholder" so who really qualified to justifiably have these ugly girl problems? Do a council of men just come together with a big book of pictures of women and stamp it "certified ugly"? A lot of damn times, people we would consider "ugly" got the sh*t together they most. Maybe we need to stop focusing on they problems and start focusing on their solutions. Cause I would rather be ugly with a good man, good job, and money in the bank, then cute and on welfare, wouldn't you? (I am taking into account that I'm not ugly nor on welfare or ever have been but for now that's how I feel.

I really have no point to this random rant. I don't even have a problem with the term. Just the definition. Maybe I am late, maybe I am looking to deep into this, but it just caught me off guard...

And if someone ever ask me if I have "ugly girl problems" I am liable to catch them off guard with what I say or do back...

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