Tuesday, August 24, 2010

It Gets No Better Than This...

That's what Bruce told Kourt on Keeping up with the Kardashians. I don't have the quote exactly but he told her that dating is the best time of the relationship. It doesn't get better after you get married. It made so much sense for him to say it so simply. When you date, especially in the beginning, everything is great. You are all lovey dovey, he whispers sweet nothings in your ear, he cooks, rubs your feet, holds your bag, drives you everywhere, basically is fake perfect. When you get married some things may stay, but they don't keep doing this stuff cause you already signed that marriage certificate, so they figured they got you, and all the work is done. So if you dating, and he is a jerk, he doesn't do sh*t, and is just a general asshole now that your are in the lovey dovey phase when sh*t is supposed to be sweet, its not getting any better... *lightbulb*

This made me think of all the dumb broads who really believe that getting married will solve their relationship problems. SMH. Now, I shouldn't judge because this is based off what you as a person can handle. Certain things I take from Stinkface I know others couldn't take. Like the fact that he is Always. Effin. Late. I swear this man has no sense of time. I think its so inconsiderate. I am damn near at my breaking point with it. He is also horrible with compromise/sharing. For some these would be deal breakers. However, I see how he is with my brothers and godchildren. How attentive he is to my family and his (even though it gets on my nerves sometimes cause I get ignored), and a whole bunch of great sh*t that's too long to list. But if your man is cheating on you every week, and you finding out... every week, and he slapping you, and not doing any house work, and he doesn't take care of his kids (by you or not), its not gonna get better cause he put a ring on it... Oh no no sister... its only gonna get worse cause now you really just can't pick up and leave. I am not saying people can't change. I have seen it. One of my friends cheated on his girl too many times for me to count. Now he is married and faithful. I truly believe he is a changed man. But if he doesn't make the change before y'all get married... I don't think its happening honey

Example: You man doesn't pay for sh*t, he drives your car, put mad tickets on it, you have to pay, doesn't pay when y'all go out, cheats on your, or openly flirts with girls in front of you... Than man is marrying you cause you put up with it. This girl from my high school fits this description perfectly. Now she has no job, no schooling, a kid, she married the man, but they don't live together and he has ran her credit through the roof, and ran her savings into the ground.

Now it made me also sit and think... am I content with the relationship I have with Stinkface or do I want more? I would love he brought me flowers or little gifts more, or wrote me letters like he used too, or took me out to dates more. And definitely if he was more early/on-time than he was late. But I have to be realistic. We have been dating for over 7 years, and he did all that stuff when we first started dating. Now he probably thinking like me. We technically already married... so these things have slowed down. And his tardiness just can't be fixed... He was born late... it was destined in the stars...

I am not saying be stupid and irrational and break up with you man cause he doesn't bring you flowers every week, but ladies (and gentlemen), I know it random, sit down and take a minute to sit and think if you fulfilled with you relationship. Cause if your not now, you probably never will be. Marriage doesn't change anything about the current state of the relationship except insurance rates...


  1. I hear you on some points, but I want to believe that a man will continue to do 80-90 percent of the thing that made you fall deeply in love with him even after marriage. I listen to this Tamia Song "Still" and I would hope that the lyrics to that song comes true for all women who are married and/or getting married, like yourself :D - ~J-Ha~

  2. We all hope that. No one wants the good stuff to end. I am not saying it will NEVER happen. The point is, we have to be prepared to know it won't get more frequent or better than when we were dating

  3. I love how honest you are about your relationship with "Stinkface" (I really feel like I shouldn't refer to him as that) lol...It's important to remember that we're all human and you have to take the "bad" with the good. :-)
