Tuesday, October 11, 2011


My two biggest fears are Mediocrity and Failure.

Which is actually funny because they hinder each other. My fear of failure makes me stay in mediocrity instead of greatness, yet my fear of mediocrity puts me a greater risk for failure. Its a catch 22. I have so much in this world that I want need to accomplish but Im scared that Im gonna land flat on my face and it at the end of the day wasn't worth it at all.

I think now that Im 3 months from my 27th bday, which is 3 years from 30, I get more and more nervous about how my life will turn out. Before, when I was sad about not being as far as I would like to be in life, used to reassure myself that I was going to be ok, and at least I was on the way to creating my family and had an amazing support system.

We know how that went.

So, Im at square one. Working on my goals, trying to find my drive and motivation again. Im giving myself until January to get out of this rut. People always go to extreme. This isn't a win or lose situation. This will take determination and patience. I realize that this is going to take time and won't happen over night. I need a plan, and to stick with it.

At the end of the day I have to pick the lesser of two evils. I have to pick which one I am more afraid of. I already have the answer. Mediocrity. Id rather try and fail then fail because I didn't try.

I never want to look back and say I wish I did that. I want to look back and say I can't believe I did that.

1 comment:

  1. I find that I struggle with the same fears. Only a few years younger than you, I like to think that I have time but that only affords the dreamer in me to do just that: dream.

    I learned that we aren't the only ones who struggle with This fear but it's just like you said…have to devise a plan and stick with it. We'll be alright :)

    As always, enjoyed the read.
